1. Name
The club will be known as ‘King’s Lynn Community Cinema Club’, referred to here as the ‘Club’.
2. Objectives
2.1 The objectives of this club are:
a. To encourage and support the enjoyment of film as an art form.
b. To foster the appreciation and study of film.
c. To provide a shared social experience for its members
2.2 We aim to achieve these objectives by:
a. Screening a programme of monthly films, (there will be two seasons each year, May to October and November to April).
b. Organising occasional talks, and discussions about film.
c. Provide opportunities for informal gatherings and discussion around film screenings
2.3 In meeting these objectives the club will be run by volunteers as a not-for-profit organisation.
3. Membership
3.1 Membership is open to anyone aged 16 years or over on payment of the membership fee, subject to a minimum of 75 members.
3.2 Members of the club will be able to attend all films screened.
3.3 Membership is not transferable to anyone else.
3.4 Members will be encouraged to contribute as volunteers to the organisation and running of the club.
4 Management & Administration
4.1 The club will be managed by a ‘Management Committee’ which will have a minimum of 5 members and may co-opt members when necessary.
4.2 The ‘Management Committee’ will take on rôles of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Programming Co-ordinator and Membership Secretary
4.3 The Management Committee will be elected for a specified length of time at the Annual General Meeting of the club in July.
4.4 The club will hold one Annual General Meeting (AGM) in July of each year.
4.5 All members shall be entitled to attend and vote at Annual General Meetings and will be given at least 14 days’ notice of such meetings.
4.6 A Special General Meeting may be called by the Management Committee if at least 15 members request such a meeting in writing.
4.7 A ‘Programming Group’ will be set up facilitated by the Programming Co-ordinator. The purpose of this group will be to arrive at a programme of films which reflects the interests and varied tastes of the membership. Their rôle will be to find different ways that the membership can be involved in the process of programming for the club.
5 Finance
5.1 The club will be run as a not-for-profit organisation. Any balance of funds remaining at the end of a season will be carried forward and devoted to furthering the objectives of the club.
5.2 The treasurer will present accounts at the end of each season which will be circulated by email to all members.
5.3 Annual accounts will be audited and agreed by an independent, appropriately qualified accountant and will be approved by club members at a general meeting.
6. Alterations to the constitution
6.1 Alterations to the constitution can only be made at an Annual General Meeting with the support of at least 10% of members present at the meeting.
7. Dissolution
7.1 The club may be wound up at any time if agreed by 50% of those members present at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. In the event of winding up, any assets remaining, after all debts have been paid, shall be donated to another group with like objectives.