We are pleased to feature other community art groups on this page.
Click on the group’s logo to go to their website
Want to know what’s on in Lynn?
Then go to KLeventcheck for a listing of local organisations & their events.
KING’S LYNN FESTIVAL run a winter programme as well as their well known summer programme.
ELY FILM SOCIETY — Offering a programme of engaging films — foreign, musical, classics and others — to film enthusiasts. The King’s Lynn Community Cinema Club has a reciprocal arrangement with the Ely Film Society.
KING’S LYNN MUSIC SOCIETY offers eight monthly recitals and illustrated talks in the Assembly Room of the Trinity Guildhall (Town Hall) in Saturday Market Place.
King’s Lynn Operatic and Dramatic Society is a production focused amateur dramatics community group. Established in 1901, KLODS is one of West Norfolk’s oldest registered charities. Located at the heart of The King’s Lynn Arts Centre, we produce a spring musical and an autumn play.
THE LUXE CINEMA — in Wisbech is a stylish & independent film-lovers delight, offering a whole new experience for movie moguls. The eclectic interior of the auditorium offers a luxurious atmosphere, where one can cosy up and relax on either a leather armchair or two-seater sofa.
SHERINGHAM LITTLE THEATRE — Home to one of the last surviving summer repertory seasons in the country, last year celebrating its 50th anniversary. This much-loved community arts venue has a year-round programme of events, including film, art exhibitions, dance, drama, music and comedy.
KING’S LYNN SOCIETY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES — Formed in 1913 for “the encouragement and pursuit of arts and sciences”. Subjects and speakers are wide and varied within the remit of Arts and Sciences, and the Committee endeavours to provide something for everyone with some unusual titles to grab the imagination. Our aim is to be informative and entertaining.
VILLAGE SCREEN — A rural & community touring cinema scheme, supported by Creative Arts East, providing quality film screenings in community venues throughout Norfolk.
THE MAJESTIC CINEMA — is now offering live screenings from the Royal Opera House.
GREYFRIARS ART SPACE — Offering an innovative, varied programme of art exhibitions and events centred around our gallery space.
KING’S LYNN LITERATURE FESTIVALS — The Festivals are held during a single weekend in March (Fiction) and September (Poetry) each year. Our guiding principle, initiated by King’s Lynn’s finest, Tony Ellis and co-founder, the late George MacBeth, is to present some of the best contemporary writers in a congenial and informal setting.